I was out and about today doing errands and I heard over and over again how many people have colds and are ill. I suspect a good portion of that comes from the hectic holiday season we just had where people are just plain wiped out. Add to that, most people are out shopping with the masses, in contact with others at gatherings and basically exposing themselves to more toxins, viruses and germs than normal. One of the practices that have helped me, is a product most people readily have in their homes. It is simple baking soda. Mind you, this is not for those who are salt sensitive. There are different theories about how much to take, and I will share a super simple formula. At the first sign of illness, mix ½ teaspoon baking soda in 8 ounces of water two times a day for 2 days, one being at night. It has worked for me and it has worked for others. Simple as can be eh?
It's January in Connecticut and the snow on the ground has turned to a skating rink with the rain that fell yesterday. The early morning air is crisp in my nose as I sprint outside in my stocking feet to gather another armload of wood for the stove. Glad to be inside in the warmth, I watch out the window as my lawn is abundant with blue Jays, Chickadees, Starlings, Snow Birds, Doves and Cardinals who are thankful, I am sure that the feeders are full and the ground had been broadcast with seed for them. I love to watch how they interact with personalities true to their breed and It warms my heart to know that I have provided them with sustenance this cold winter. Unknowingly they have provided me with a quiet contentment. I could watch for hours, and the thought crosses my mind, what a wonderful meditation that would be. I think I'll try it.
Jeanie Wildis a simple woman who happens to know a lot of stuff. I decided to jump on the Blog bandwagon and see where it takes me. Just because I can! ArchivesCategories |